Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Rose McGowan as Barbarella is also reporting that Robert Rodriguez has cast the gorgeous Rose McGowan as the lead in his remake of Barbarella.

Snarkerati complains about McGowan's acting, but come on.

Acting skill was never the reason I love Barbarella. It's all about how sexy Jane Fonda looked in space outfits.

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Top 50 Dystopian Movies of all Time has a very nice list of the Top 50 Dystopian movies of all Time including some of my favorite movies: Battle Royale, Serenity, A Boy and His Dog, and Escape From New York to name a few.

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Tuesday Tube - Goosebumps Grindhouse Promo

Horrorsnotdead introduced me to this great promo for Cartoon Networks showing of the Goosebumps series. I'm a huge fan of this show and the Grindhouse style is wonderful.

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Monday, October 01, 2007

Chuck and Oceanic Flight 815

I know I haven't been on for a while. My prelims are coming up, I got married, and I have been busy, busy, busy.

But, tonight on Chuck he told the world that Oceanic Flight 815 was shot down by a surface to air missile!

I had to post! Is this for real? are they giving us clues about Lost on Chuck?

According to Get Reel they are.

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