Monday, November 13, 2006

Orson Scott Card finds Silver

SciFi Wire is reporting that Orson Scott Card's new novel Empire, which will hit book shelves Nov. 28th, is actually part of a larger project.

The Empire story is so expansive that the creators wanted it to be told in multiple media. The plan is to follow up the first book with a comic-book series, which will tell a different story from the novel and start earlier in the timeline of events than the book.

A movie and video game tie in will follow with Joel Silver's Silver Pictures optioning to handle the multi-media tie-ins.

I read the first five chapters of Empire on Card's website and I'm excited to read the rest in a few weeks. The novel revolves around
a scenario in the near future, in which the country has plunged into civil war after the White House is bombed and the president is assassinated

Card showed he could handle large scale works with books like Shadow of the Hegemon and Shadow of the Giant.


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