Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Running around the net!

I have been waiting on the edge of my seat for South Korean monster movie The Host to come anywhere within my three state area. Until then, I will just have to be satisfied with a new poster and trailer

Kreacher's in, but Dobby's out of the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
via has a behind the scenes video from another movie I can't wait to see - Mel Gibson's Apocalypto

If you haven't been reading Frostbite - a serial novel by David Wellington, you need to get on board. I have it on my bloglines, so I can catch each new chapter as they come out.

EDIT - Aintitcool just posted the first look trailer of Tarantino and Rodriguez's GrindHouse!! It looks awesome and Naveen Andrews makes a crazy appearance.


At 9:50 AM CDT, Blogger Anna said...

Yay! I hate Dobby. Kreatcher is sooo much more interesting of a character.


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