Monday, August 21, 2006

Indy IV slated for 2008

According to Sci Fi Wire, Lucas said that
he, director Steven Spielberg and star Harrison Ford are aiming to shoot a proposed fourth Indiana Jones movie by mid-2007, with an eye to a 2008 release. But, he added, getting everyone back together may not be easy.

"Before, I was just working with Steven and Harrison," Lucas told the magazine. "Now everybody's a superstar, so it's a little bit more difficult than it was then."
Who are they talking about? The only actor I can think of is Connery and they could work around him if they really needed to.

He also blows off about fan anticipation and how they are going to do a Phantom Menace style prequel. Well, unless he makes Jar Jar Indy's sidekick I think we'll be fine. The good thing about the Indy franchise is that he has some checks and balances in place with Spielberg and Ford.


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