Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ben Affleck as Captain Kirk? Please God No!

The latest rumor to hit the web, J.J. Abrams is going to make the best Star Trek movie yet, but his casting is going to ruin everything. According to Ciniscape,
Ben has also been talking to Paramount about possibly playing a lead role in a new Star Trek film from J.J Abrams. Apparently Abrams is coming down to visit the set [of Affleck's latest movie] in a few weeks...

They are not saying Kirk, but that doesn't count it out!

This has to be an agent talking out his butt! Why can't we just clone Shatner and start the movie at Kirk's birth. That is the only way a project with a young Kirk is going to work.

Affleck isn't even a good enough actor to play a red shirt!


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