Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Will Smith in I am Legend

Will Smith is back in the role of the last man on Earth. If anyone remembers, he and Micheal Bay were in talks to do it back in 2002.

I think Smith will do wonderful in a new adaptation Richard Matheson's classic SF novel. I have the guilty pleasure of loving Will Smith movies. Especially the ones that everyone else frowns on (Wild Wild West).

I have never read Matheson, but I have seen both of the movies that have come before, Price's The Last Man on Earth and Heston's Omega Man. I liked them both.

A look over at IMDB shows that Matheson has a few movies based on his work coming out in the next year and a look at Amazon shows that he's written more than a few that have been made into movies. What have I been missing here? Anyone read his stuff?

Read more about the movie at Sci Fi Wire


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