Friday, March 03, 2006

New Whedon Interview at Empire

Here at No Blasters, we like to feel that we are the biggest Joss Whedon geeks in the galaxy, but the good folks over at Empire Magazine give us a run for our money.

Empire has a new interview with Joss talking about some things we have heard before, no plans for Serenity sequels, no regrets about Wash and, some things we have been wanting to hear,
I can tell you that the film will be about introducing you to Wonder Woman. She'll be wearing the outfit and there will be the bracelets, the golden lasso and Greek gods. She comes from a civilisation where she's rather perfect, so she's the opposite to Buffy in many ways, but she's going through an adolescent rite of passage because she's new to the world.

Comic book fans rejoice, Wonder Woman will stay classic! Have I mentioned that our resident Greek would be perfect in the role!

Read the Full Interview


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