Saturday, January 14, 2006

Whedon states again that a Serenity TV Sequel could happen! and Whedon's new movie Goners

Maybe we are just running this into the ground, but (our master) Whedon talked to Empire Magazine stating
if not a theatrical encore, that leaves... yes, you guessed it, a possible return to the smaller screen. "As long as I was able to service the characters with integrity and had enough money so that I wasn't hampered, then I would love to return Serenity to TV. I love that universe; it continues and those characters live on. There could be a series, there could be a miniseries, there could be all sorts of things. I'm not ruling anything out.
Read the whole Story HERE

In Empire's related news they talk about Whedon's new movie Goners. When asked about the plot Whedon says
"I'm keeping it all pretty close to my chest at the moment," "I'm something of a blabbermouth. What I will say is that it ventures more into the horrific than I normally tend to. I love horror movies but I looked back on Buffy and I was like 'Oh, we forgot to make it scary.' It was occasionally scary but I got so wrapped up in the emotions and people and things that I missed the horror aspect. Goners comes back to that a little bit."
Read that Story HERE


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