First Post - Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show
Oohhh, our first post and what better to talk about then Orson Scott Card’s new Webzine InterGalactic Medicine Show. Card has gathered a group of writers around him to produce a very nice on-line magazine that offers up a ton of material (that is updated almost weekly) for a very small price. For my $2.50 paypal payment I read short stories, a serial novel by Card called Hot Sleep, a new Ender’s universe story, and much more.
The best thing is that for $2.50 a month, less than I pay at my local comic store for 22 pages, I get a new issue every 30 days. Card has provided me with hours of enjoyment between his novel and his website. Now, he pushes the envelope further with InterGalactic Medicine Show.
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